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Legal Translation

Court documents, certificates, contracts

Court interpreting

Consecutive interpreting, simultaneous interpreting, whispering/ chuchotage

Translation and interpreting

Documents, conferences etc.

About the Association

The Icelandic Association of Authorised Court Interpreters and Translators was founded on 31 January 1955 for those who are officially recognised by the Ministry of Justice.
Only those who have passed the oral and written examinations set by Ministry are eligible for membership. This is recognition of their competence.
Members are bound by confidentiality and by the Association's Code of Ethics.
The Association provides a function to search for qualified translators and interpreters for those languages being offered at any given time - to or from Icelandic. It neither allocates projects nor provides information on pricing. If a language pair is not available, the purchaser can have the document translated first into an intermediate language.

Association Board

  • Jón Skaptason, President
  • Eiríkur Magnússon, Secretary
  • Gauti Kristmannsson, Treasurer
  • Niels Rask Vendelbjerg, Board Member
  • Agnes M. Vogler, Board Member